The search for the missing Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala-402 has been ongoing since Wednesday. But the hope of rescuing the crew of 53 people no longer exists. Because oxygen was used.
More than 25 rescue ships patrol an area about 20 kilometers long, about 100 kilometers north of Bali. There, the submarine sank like a brick to the bottom during Wednesday’s torpedo exercise. No distress signal was sent, indicating a power failure, leaving the submarine completely out of control.
As of Thursday, there was still little hope of rescuing the crew. But then it turns out that the sea is easily 700 meters deep, while the KRI Nanggala-402 was only built for diving to a maximum depth of 500 meters. Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Yudo Margono tried to give relatives some hope by saying that oxygen remained on board for 72 hours. But the army leadership has already taken into account that no one will survive the disaster.
Relatives of the crew gathered on Friday evening to mourn. Among them is the wife and father of Gonadi Fajr R. (24). He worked as a sonar operator on board the submarine and soon became a father for the first time.
The government promised the family to do everything they could to get the submarine back.