Overview: Restarting indoor sports facilities and sports camps | Lovin

Good news for sports fans, because from today indoor sports facilities can open their doors again. However, the swimming pools will remain closed until July 1. This summer there is still a lot on the camp program. Overview.

Sports halls: open additional in summer

The city has good news for sports clubs. Starting today, indoor accommodations could open their doors again and there is more good news. Urban accommodations typically close for a few weeks during the summer months for annual maintenance, but that would be much less now. We have carried out the necessary works in various accommodations so that they do not have to close in July and August. For example, we offer Leuven sports clubs and athletes more opportunities to organize sports activities, ”says Alderman Johan Gillens (CD&V).

Outdoor sports: Partial open gym

Outdoor sports facilities will also reopen. Alderman Johann Gillens: “People from Leuven have really missed the exercise seats in town, the fitness scales in Heverlebus, the bar park at Sportoase Philipssite and the Open Gym in Wilsele. So we’re glad our athletes can reach us again from today.” Open Gym has a plan to make sure everything is running smoothly. “In cooperation with the sports and athletes department, we are starting to look for a way to reopen responsibly,” says Jill Op de Beek of Open Gym. “Reopening completely is not the smartest move because we expect a lot of people. So we go to a gym that is partially open: open, but during busy hours we try to summon our athletes to supervise so that the maximum allowed for the athletes is not exceeded.”

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Swimming pools: closed until July 1

Swimming pools will remain closed for the time being. “It’s a pity, both for the solo swimmer and for our swimming clubs,” says Sport Geleyns. “They were looking forward to going back to the bathroom. Measures have already been taken to open safely on Monday, but swimmers will have to wait a while.”

Campsites: Bubble max 50 people

After youth camps and previous stadium activities, the green light was given on Wednesday to organize sports camps during the summer holidays. “In recent weeks we have received a lot of questions about whether or not the sports camps will be held. The camps cannot continue during the Easter holidays, so we are very relieved that we can now put together a sporting summer show for young Leuven. The bubble may consist of 50 people maximum. For each camp, including supervisors. “Camps with 50 or more enrolled children will be divided so that the bubble does not exceed 50 children,” says Alderman Gillens. “We have a very wide range,” adds Jan Vansantvoet of Tofsport. 100 campsites in July and August. All registrations for camps that only children up to 12 years old participate in – about half – and where places were still available. Not all registrations are available in the camps for children over 12 years old and we will open them as soon as possible. To do this, we must first discuss with the organizing clubs whether it is possible to organize the camp in safe conditions and what measures should be taken for this purpose. “

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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