Palestinian militants fired “more than 270 rockets” in response to the Israeli airstrikes

At first glance, this assumption does not seem unjustified. A number of members of the new Israeli government announced their intention to accelerate the construction of new Jewish settlements in the West Bank. This makes any prospect of a two-state solution, in which two independent states would be created on the territory of former Mandatory Palestine, almost impossible. Moreover, thanks to the new government, the police and army will have (even) more control.

The government’s new course makes the Palestinians lose all hope of a lasting and long-term peace that the two-state solution can achieve. This is evident from the results of various surveys conducted among the Palestinian population. Support for the two-state solution has fallen to an all-time low. Only a third of Palestinians still support the two-state solution.

So it doesn’t look good for the Palestinians. Everything indicates that the new peace negotiations between Palestine and the ultra-conservative Israeli government will be more difficult. It will be very difficult for the Palestinians to reach a meaningful agreement.

See also  Archaeologists discover 5,500-year-old city gate in Israel | Science and the planet

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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