Pikmin Bloom is available for download this week in the App and Play Store (iOS/Android)

Today, Niantic and Nintendo released their new augmented reality game Pikmin Bloom for iOS employment Android. The game is similar to Pokémon and that means a lot of walking. The main goal in Pikmin Bloom is to make the world more beautiful by leaving a trail of flower petals behind.

Bikmin Bloom

You have a limited amount of petals, which you can replenish by sending a Pikmin to find and restore the fruit. You can then feed this fruit to Pikmin as nectar, causing it to grow new petals for you to collect. While walking, players can take pictures and save them to their Lifelog, which acts as a diary showing, among other things, the number of steps you took each day.

The trailer gives you a good idea of ​​how the game works in practice and also features a response from Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto. “For me and everyone at Niantic, helping shape this app has been a new experience and a lot of fun,” Miyamoto said, adding, “I hope everyone can create lasting memories with Pikmin.”

John Hanke, founder and CEO of Niantic, also explained the concept behind the game and the studio hopes it will be another reason for players to practice more. “I strongly believe in the power of walking, so at Niantic we want to inspire people to get out, explore their neighborhood and have fun at the same time,” he explained.

“But while the benefits of walking are clear for physical and mental health, we know that getting up from the couch is not always easy. We think Pikmin are the perfect creatures to help.”

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Pikmin Bloom has been tested by a select group of players from Singapore since March, but today Pikmin Bloom is available to everyone.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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