Prime Minister de Crowe warns of reckless decisions, experts say: ‘The situation does not allow for relaxation’

Beachfront cabins with sea view will be installed as usual this year. This is evident from a survey conducted by Belga company. Last year, placement was postponed in several coastal municipalities due to Coronavirus measures. This year, stalls will be set up everywhere according to the usual schedule.

“This year we see no reason whatsoever to delay this placement,” says Blankenberg Mayor Daphne Domry (N-VA). Cabins can be installed in Blankenberge from March 27th. Construction of the beach bars will start on March 15th, but they will not open until the advisory committee permits.

Ostend Mayor Bart Tomlin (Open VLD) also will not delay placement. “I have 800 stalls here and often those stalls belong to people who live in an apartment. For a lot of people this is their garden, so I don’t want to take it from anyone.”

Moreover, Bredene, Zeebrugge, Middelkerke, Knokke-Heist, De Panne, De Haan, and Nieuwpoort all follow their naturalistic planning. “We advise people to put a wind sail on,” says Newport Mayor Geert Vanden Brocke (CD&V). “Things went well last year, so we are confident it can be done safely this year.”

In Koksijde, it was decided to build the beach cabins earlier than planned. Mark Vanden says, “Usually it is only allowed after Easter, but this year we chose to allow it before Easter. We want to offer an alternative now so that people cannot travel. We also guarantee 1.5 meters between the stalls.” Bussche (Open VLD).

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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