Putin brags about the influence of the Russian Navy: “We can each …

325 years after the creation of the Russian Navy, President Vladimir Putin demonstrated the strength of his naval power at a military parade in Saint Petersburg on Sunday. Putin stressed that in 2021 the Russian Navy will be able to “detect any enemy underwater, in water or in the air and deliver an inevitable strike.”

Putin said the Russian Navy has rapidly developed powerful destroyers, nuclear-powered missile submarines, effective air power and hypersonic weapons around the world. “The Russian Navy today has everything it needs to ensure the protection of our country and our national interests,” the president said.

325 years after Peter the Great established the Imperial Navy, Putin conducted a survey of troops at a naval base in Saint Petersburg. The Kremlin said more than 50 warships, including those from India, Iran and Pakistan, about 50 aircraft and about 4,000 soldiers appeared in the president’s hometown.

Celebrations were also held in other Russian naval strongholds on Sunday. This was the case, for example, at the base of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol in the Crimea, in Tartus, Syria, on the Mediterranean, and in Vladivostok, the base of the Pacific Fleet. After Canada, Indonesia and Greenland, Russia has the longest coastline in the world.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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