South Korea wants to quickly join the Quartet to reduce China’s power | outside

South Korea will try to accelerate its participation in the Quartet Working Group, according to the South Korean news agency “Yonhap”. Earlier, the country indicated its “interest” in “closer cooperation” with the Quartet. The group now consists of the United States, Japan, India and Australia.

The Quad is an informal alliance created in 2007 to counterbalance China’s growing influence. The leaders of the four countries held their first face-to-face meeting as part of the Quartet in September 2021. US President Joe Biden hosted the White House at the time.

So far, the Quad has not shown much leverage, in part because India and Japan make their own, mainly economic-motivated considerations when dealing with their neighboring country.

China is trying to cancel links like Quad as much as possible. In Chinese government propaganda, the United States is often presented as the main culprit.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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