Star rain in Dordrecht: during this night you will see up to 120 (!) shooting stars per hour

Spot scores to over a hundred stars and make lots of wishes. That’s possible early next week when the Geminids meteor shower intersects with Earth. If the weather is cooperative, this can lead to amazing sights.

Get your camera ready and also your garden chair, because on the night of Monday 13th to Tuesday 14th December there is a chance for a lot of shooting stars. Then one of the biggest rains of the stellar year happens: the Geminids . meteor showers

Geminids are distinguished by their large numbers, brightness, yellowish color, and the short paths they leave behind. At a speed of about 125,000 kilometers per hour, they will blast across the sky again next week.

favorable conditions

According to Mark van der Sloe, astronomical conditions exist sky watch Optimal this year. Due to the short duration of the peak, you have to access the net to get a good view of the Geminids summit. “Since the peak this year occurs around 5 a.m. and the moon has just set, conditions are particularly favorable.”

In clear weather, you can see up to 110 meteors per hour with the naked eye. Good places to look are of course dark places, such as Biesbosch or a city park. But you can also try to see the stars in your own garden or on the balcony. Tip: Let your eyes get used to the darkness for 15 minutes, then you will see more. Also, don’t look at your smartphone in between.

up to 120 per hour

During the night, according to the Sky Observation, the number of meteors increases from about 25-40 per hour around midnight (then look east) to 100-120 per hour around 4 AM (then look southwest). The peak was last seen in 2009 and likely won’t return again until 2064.

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So fingers intertwined for a clear night! And don’t forget to set the alarm and wear warm clothes!

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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