Why is Robin often on Christmas cards

Dutchman Janet van Zulen of Vogelbescherming NL searched for the original and came across English postmen. In the Victorian era, they wore a red suit, the color of the British royal family and an important element of the Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom. And soon they got the name in their red suits robbins (Robbins). These Christmas card makers have inspired drawing cards with robins knocking on the door with a letter or bundle. And so the bird found its destination.

But Zoelen searched further and found many ancient stories of Robins who, fluttering in the stable in which Jesus was born, made sure that the fire would not be extinguished. It was very cold in the stable in Bethlehem where Mary and Joseph took refuge, and while Joseph was looking outside for firewood, the fire threatened to come out. The flutter of the birds caused an airflow that ignited the flames, but the flames burned the feathers on the birds’ chests and turned them red.

Which may help, too: The robin is easily recognizable in the snow and can be found in many parks in winter.

Picture of Koos Dijksterhuis

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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