The city of Leuven wants to stimulate healthy living with a campaign of 10,000 steps

In addition to Veurne’s new green slogans on the streets, a number of green signs now also indicate the number of steps for public buildings. It’s part of the “10,000 Steps: Every Step Counts” project, which encourages everyone to exercise more.

“10,000 steps: every step counts” is a campaign by the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living vzw, Sport Vlaanderen, the Agency for Health and Welfare and Flemish Slogans. This initiative aims to move people. Walking is the easiest and cheapest way to exercise. Even those who are not yet ready to really exercise can move enough with 10,000 steps. You can walk anytime and anywhere: at home, at work, while traveling, in your spare time… 10,000 steps a day is ideal for adults, and 8,000 for people over 65. But even small developments make a difference.”

By foot

“You find out that a lot of things are within walking distance in Veurne,” says Pascal Stiker, a member of the Alpine Sports Council. “500 steps to the Grote Markt, 720 steps to the De Zonnebloem Service Center or 1071 steps to the gym. The eye-catching green markers show how many steps you’d take if you followed one of these arrows. We want to make our residents aware that walking is healthy and also point out that many places are accessible on foot. This is a win-win: Walking residents take up less space in their car and help make our city car-free.”

The City of Veurne supports this initiative and helps take additional steps with these shares. Volunteers from the Senior Advisory Board helped count the number of steps between the different locations and confirm the arrows. For example, there are arrows in the direction of Visit Veurne on the Grote Markt, to the De Seylsteen municipal office, De Zonnebloem service center, Ter Linden residential care center, the station …

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Guido Hoste, Member of the Wellness Local Council: “We are proud to be able to offer this as a city. You don’t have to exercise fanatically to stay healthy and stay healthy, but you can also take a walk in our beautiful décor. Thank you also to the Board of Senior Consultants for helping make this happen. “.

Record (MVQ)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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