Suspects confess to killing a British journalist and guide in the Brazilian jungle and finding human remains

The two suspects arrested in the case of the disappearance of British journalist Dom Phillips and his Brazilian guide, Bruno Pereira, have confessed to killing and dismembering the two men. He also told one of the suspects where their bodies were buried. Human remains have since been found.

source: Reuters, Belgium

Journalist Dom Phillips, 57, and Bruno Pereira, 41, an expert on indigenous affairs, were last seen on June 5 when they went on an expedition in the Javari region, near the border with Peru, where smugglers of all kinds are battling for stay. Energetic. Phillips, who worked for the British newspaper, among others, Watchman He wrote and prepared a book on environmental protection in that region. Bruno Pereira, an expert with the Brazilian Agency for Indigenous Affairs, was his guide.

The first suspect, a 41-year-old fisherman, Amarildo da Costa de Oliveira, was arrested on June 7. Witnesses saw him leaving on a boat in the same direction as the journalist and his guide. On Tuesday, police also arrested his 41-year-old brother, Osini da Costa de Oliveira.

Brazilian media reported that they had now confessed to the police that they had killed and dismembered the men. One of the accused also admitted that he buried their bodies. This was reported by the Federal Police, on Wednesday evening (local time), after human remains were found during searches.

“Last night we received confessions from the first two arrested suspects (…) who told us in detail how the crime was committed and where the bodies were buried,” the state’s federal police chief said. Amazonas, Eduardo Alexandre Fontes.

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According to Fontes, the suspect promised to go to the site on Wednesday “so we can ascertain where the bodies are buried.” Police teams took him 1.9 miles into the woods and found human remains. My corpses will be two men. These are under investigation. “We will now identify the human remains with the utmost dignity,” Fontes said. The police chief said he expected more arrests.

premature connection

The bodies of the two men were not revealed until Monday, after Phillips’ wife told Brazilian media that the two men had been found dead. However, that turned out to be incorrect. The Brazilian ambassador to the United Kingdom has apologized to the Phillips family. The embassy informed them that the bodies of Phillips and Pereira were found on Sunday evening, but contact proved premature.


(sgg, adb)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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