Tensions escalate between France and the UK over fishing

At night from Wednesday to Thursday, France warned two British fishing boats that were fishing off the coast of the French town of Le Havre. The French authorities sent one of the two boats to the port of Le Havre. The captain of the boat risks legal action and the fish caught may be confiscated.

According to France, British boats do not have proper rights to fish in French waters as a result of Brexit.

The dispute between France and Great Britain over the fishing waters continues to grow. On Wednesday, Paris tried to pressure it by threatening sanctions that could take effect from November 2. For example, France could introduce more border controls for British products.

The British said they were “deeply disappointed” and described the measures mentioned as disproportionate. According to France’s European Affairs Minister Clement Bonn, his country must now speak the “language of power”. “That’s all this British government seems to understand,” Byon told CNews TV in response to the latest incident.

The French are unhappy that the UK has issued so few permits that French fishermen are allowed to fish in British waters. The British government says other small fishing vessels cannot prove conclusively that they are also fishing in British waters before Brexit.

According to Paris, with this tough stance, the UK is violating the agreements it made with the European Union when the British left the country’s bloc.

The British fishing boat captured by the French has been licensed

According to the British authorities, the British fishing boat seized by France from Wednesday night to Thursday had a license and was allowed to fish off the French coast of Le Havre. Britain’s Environment Minister George Eustice said he did not know why the boat had been impounded.

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“It is not true that we were so late in issuing the permits,” Eustis said. “This boat was also on the list that was handed over to the EU.”

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, France impounded a British boat and another fishing boat near Le Havre was alerted. According to France, British boats will not be allowed to fish in French waters as a result of Brexit. The British deny this.

Eustice is now pressing for a de-escalation of the conflict. The French also said they wanted to continue talks about territorial waters. The two countries accuse each other of breaching agreements made around Britain’s exit from the European Union.

According to France, British boats do not have proper rights to fish in French waters as a result of Brexit. The dispute between France and Great Britain over the fishing waters continues to grow. On Wednesday, Paris tried to pressure it by threatening sanctions that could take effect from November 2. For example, France could introduce more border controls for British products. The British said they were “deeply disappointed” and described the measures mentioned as disproportionate. According to France’s European Affairs Minister Clement Bonn, his country must now speak the “language of power”. “That’s all this British government seems to understand,” Byon told CNews TV in response to the latest incident. The French are unhappy that the UK has issued so few permits that French fishermen are allowed to fish in British waters. The British government says other small fishing vessels cannot prove conclusively that they are also fishing in British waters before Brexit. According to Paris, with this tough stance, the UK is violating the agreements it made with the European Union when the British left the country’s bloc. According to the British authorities, the British fishing boat seized by France from Wednesday night to Thursday had a license and was allowed to fish off the French coast of Le Havre. British Environment Minister George Eustice says he does not know why the boat was seized. “It is not true that we were late in issuing the permits. This boat was also on the list that was delivered to the EU during Wednesday night. As of Thursday, France had detained a British boat and another fishing boat was alerted near Le Havre. According to France, British boats will not be allowed to fish In French waters as a result of Brexit. The British deny it. Eustice is now pressing for a de-escalation of the conflict. The French have also said they want to continue talks about territorial waters. The two countries accuse each other of violating agreements on Brexit.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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