The application of the week: Follow the parliamentary discussions directly in DebateDirect

Since the March elections, not a week seems to go by without a major event in the politics of news, after which a debate is planned. Always want to follow discussions live, download parts of discussions, or catch up on the moods of politics? Then you can’t do without Debat Direct.

Direct discussion

In principle, Dutch discussions can always be followed for free on NPO Politiek 24 TV. If you are on the road or just want to follow a discussion on your phone, this is a little less convenient. There is no application from this channel, so you should follow the live broadcast of the debates via your browser. Fortunately, the House of Representatives of the general states has its own app with which you can find all discussions. That’s not all, because Direct discussion Filled with useful functions that you shouldn’t (and can’t) miss.

Using the application, which can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store, you get an overview of all the discussions planned. There is also an option to notify you of the start of the discussion so you can always follow it from the beginning. If you miss a discussion, the app also offers a solution: you can have a look at all discussions afterwards.

Download clips

In addition to viewing or reviewing discussions and receiving notifications once the discussion starts, the app also provides the ability to download parts of the discussions. If you want to share parts of discussions, you really cannot miss this app. What helps with this are the selection tools that the Debate Direct app provides. The app offers the option to download the entire discussion, or retrieve a specific moment – indicated by times.

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The application of the week: Follow the parliamentary discussions directly in DebateDirect

The nice thing about Debat Direct is that you can follow all the votes of the House of Representatives. This way you instantly get an overview of the parties voting for or against a motion from the House of Representatives, for example. If you use social media a lot, you’ve likely seen this mood at some point – it’s the only Dutch app that provides an overview of all of the moods and their outcomes. The disadvantage is that unfortunately the app does not provide background information on moods.

The political documents discussed in the political meetings can be found in the app. After opening the meeting or voting, you can click “Documents”. Note that documents are not always available at the meeting, and sometimes documents are not public. Nevertheless, the app offers a good collection of documents for navigating the political process.

Install Debate Direct

Since Debat Direct is a Dutch government app, there are no costs associated with using the app or the app’s specific functionality. To download the application you can go to Google Play Store From Apple App Store. Do you like to follow the political process of the House of Representatives, or do you prefer to read it via NOS, for example? If you wish to continue with the process, are you planning to install Debate Direct app? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

The application of the week: Follow the parliamentary discussions directly in DebateDirect

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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