The Chinese probe has reached Mars and is looking for a landing site

China is the sixth country to make a difficult crossing to Mars in safety. Previously, the Soviet Union / Russia, the United States, Europe, India, and the United Arab Emirates had succeeded Tuesday.

From its orbit, the Tianwen-1 should find a good place to land in the coming months. This will happen in May at the earliest. After this landing, an unmanned vehicle should appear, which should roam on Mars. China wants to find traces of life and map the surface and soil of Mars. So far, only the USSR and the United States have managed to land a device on Mars in a controlled way.

This is not the first time that China wants to go to Mars. In 2011, she embarked on a trip with Russia, but the mission failed. The vehicle got stuck in orbit and was unable to start the crossing. Ultimately, the atmosphere is eroded. China decided to do this on its own and the result is Tianwen-1.

Next week, a mobile US laboratory must land on Mars. The cart was called perseverance. It will be the fifth American explorer on Mars, after Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity. Hidden in his cargo hold is the first space helicopter, Creativity. It is almost a meter high and weighs about 2 kilograms.

This helicopter should orbit Mars about five times, each time a few hundred meters away. Its primary purpose is to test technology. When Ingenuity is on the helicopters can help you explore an exotic destination faster. Among other things, the helicopter has to cope with low air pressure. The air pressure on the surface of Mars can be compared to the pressure at an altitude of 30 kilometers on Earth. Ground helicopters cannot fly that far.

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The spacecraft was launched from China, the UAE and the United States at the end of July last year.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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