The death toll in an attack in Afghanistan

A number of soldiers were killed in a Taliban attack on a military base in Nangarhar Province, eastern Afghanistan. The number of deaths is still unclear, various sources contradict each other.

“This morning, terrorists used a Humvee filled with explosives,” the district government office said. Eight members of the security forces were killed. “

The local consultant, Ajmal Omar, spoke of the high death toll. According to him, 14 soldiers were killed and four wounded.

The Taliban movement claimed responsibility for the attack. Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the militants, stated that 50 soldiers were wounded or killed. Taliban and ISIS fighters are active in the province. They regularly carry out attacks on the security services.

The Taliban are currently negotiating peace with the Afghan government and last year signed an agreement with the United States, which has thousands of troops in the country. The agreement states, among other things, that the Taliban may not attack international forces anymore. That deal was supposed to pave the way for the withdrawal of American forces. The United States and the Taliban now accuse each other of failing to adhere to the agreements.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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