The Dutch elections: She recounted more and more isolation …

After the Dutch CU was canceled, it became difficult for Mark Rutte to become prime minister of the Netherlands for the fourth time. The enthusiasm for the Rutte IV wardrobe is minimal. But if the leader of the VVD does not want to know about the neighborhoods, the stalemate threatens, as new elections cannot be ruled out, Wet Street Watchers.

The calculation may have been done too quickly beforehand. The current government parties wanted the D66, the CDA, and the CU, on Thursday night, After a historical debate about Dutch “Verkennersgate”And not to send the resigned Prime Minister Rutha to the homeland.

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But assuming they would then join the VVD again for Rutte IV’s locker was pretty easy, it turns out. After all, the big winner in the D66 election leader Sigrid Kaag, who introduced with fellow Christian Democrat Wopke Hoekstra, immediately said that the VVD leader should draw his own conclusions as far as she is concerned. Anyway, she would have done it herself: “But I’m a different person than Rota.”

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And Hoekstra was not, however, very enthusiastic about a new government involvement. “The most realistic is the opposition,” the original scouts Cagsa Olungren and Anne-Marie Goritsma pointed out after their conversation with Hoekstra nearly two weeks ago. And that was before it came out that Rota discussed Omtzigt’s position with the scouts and then lied about him in a conversation with NOS. The blame movement was a clear signal, the ball is now with the VVD, it appears in the CDA.

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The liberals joined the ranks around Ruteh. On Friday, he personally indicated the nearly two million votes he received in the election. “It’d be weird to step aside after two weeks,” Rutte said. The alternative in which someone else takes over as prime minister for the VVD – still still the largest party in the Netherlands – does not seem realistic.


But if Rota remains in office and the parties do not want to rule with him, a stalemate will arise. Because without the VVD, the Freedom Party by Geert Wilders and the Democracy Forum by Thierry Bodt, which has been excluded by many parties, at least seven parties are needed to gain a majority. This is also an unrealistic mix (D66, CDA, SP, PvdA, GL, PvdD, and CU) three parties have never ruled and parties like D66 and SP or CDA and PvdD are totally in conflict on some issues.

A new informant must now be appointed who will be tasked with the difficult task of putting the stuck Dutch back on the right track. Ultimately, according to many specialists, a new election will be on the horizon.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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