The G7 announces a new support package for Ukraine

On Wednesday, the G7 countries announced a support package for Ukraine that will provide long-term security guarantees and enable the country to defend itself against Russia, Reuters news agency reported. In a joint statement, the United States, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom and the European Union said the package includes modern military equipment, training, intelligence sharing and cyber defense. In return, Ukraine promises legal and economic reforms and more transparency.

US President Joe Biden said that the new move by the G7 shows that Ukraine can count on support in the distant future. “We’ll stay there as long as it takes.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the aid package was “an important victory for our country, our people and our children”.

The Netherlands also participates in the security guarantees of Ukraine with its air force and anti-aircraft defences. According to outgoing Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra (CDA), the West is sending a message that “it’s a miscalculation for Putin if he thinks time is on his side and he can finally get over this.”

The G7 declaration came on the sidelines of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. And the Western military alliance there indicated that Ukraine could join “if the allies agree and conditions are met.” A delay Zelensky called “unprecedented and absurd” on Tuesday. He now says he is satisfied with the results of the summit, because of the security guarantees and military support he received.

This article is also part of our live blog: The G7 announces a new support package for Ukraine

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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