Public charging stations are required by law to be 99% reliable in the UK

It’s always so annoying when you get somewhere to charge and the charging station doesn’t work. Then you have to stamp your feet with the manager and complain with some conviction. All you have to do is say ‘you’ll arrange it yourself’ and ‘you’ll end up sleeping on the couch if you keep going like this’. Next time charge at work instead of at home.

It’s annoying to say the least at public charging points. So there will be a regime in the United Kingdom. A new government regulation requires public charging stations to have a reliability score of 99 percent. So the new law more or less requires charging stations to work properly. Posts should include an emergency number that can be reached 24/7.

Heavy fines for broken charging stations

Are charging stations 99 percent serviceable? Then the operator of the pole can be fined almost 12,000 euros. Repeat offenders are fined up to 291,000 euros. You can pay wirelessly with a debit card everywhere in the UK. Old posts need to be replaced to accept cards.

The measures will come into force in three weeks and charge point operators have three weeks to comply with the rules. The government’s strict charging station regime should ensure more people switch to electric cars. A proper charging network can reassure some skeptics.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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