“The mental and physical health of 4 million people is at stake!” The Daily Standard

More than thirty internal sports federations and interest groups unite. They want more clarity from the government because “half of Dutch sporting activities are now inactive,” they concluded, worryingly. Given that the government has repeatedly emphasized how important the exercise is, it remains remarkable that this sector is completely closed and has little prospect of reopening or relaxing at the moment.

Outdoor sports are again permitted, with strict rules and curved age limits. However, all indoor sports facilities remain closed. With dire consequences for national health: Of the six million people who actively participated in indoor sports at the start of 2020, only a third was left. In an urgent letter to the government, they are therefore pleading with them to allow them to reopen the door more quickly Reports RTL News:

Of the 6 million people who were still actively participating in their sport in January 2020, only a third remained in January 2021. At least 4 million indoor athletes are losing the opportunity to find happiness, fun and relaxation with their sport. This group also barely had the opportunity to act on their drastically reduced mental and physical health. ”

This decline is particularly pronounced among children, and is a major concern of sports federations, with support from NOC * NSF. A large group of children have not played sports in nearly a year, with all sorts of negative psychological and physical consequences:

“A large group of children have not practiced sports at all for nearly a year now. In particular, the closure of all indoor sports facilities is an important reason for this. The consequences are dire. The resilience, health and vitality of society is at stake. To return to indoor sports. “

So it was agonizing to see that Hoekstra, and the cabinet, had called on the Dutch to keep playing the sport a month earlier. But this is very difficult for many if the local sports club is not allowed to open.

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Hoekstra’s snowboarding tweet has now become a symbol of inept government policy. They shout and think about everything, but unfortunately this is indistinguishable in policy options, which often conflict with what they are calling in at press conferences. It is true that the indoor sports sector wants more clarity. Or is Roti, De Jong and their friends intending for all of Holland to have clogged livers, round bellies, and swollen leg muscles?

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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