The Morning Show presenter has been criticized for her “very deep neckline”: “She shows more embrace than Pamela Anderson!” (Photo / Video)

Good Morning Britain host Susanna Reed’s clothes are causing a sensation.

They are quick to give their opinion on the clothes of the UK TV presenter We already knew.

Susanna Reid this morning performed the morning show “Good Morning Britain” in an outfit that seemed to be causing a stir. One viewer joked on Twitter, “Susanna shows more cuddles than Pamela Anderson the last time.”


Others apparently disagreed with Susannah’s choice of clothing. Seems to be “too much cuddle for me at this time of day”. “Too bold,” another person continues.

Then there are the viewers who don’t think it’s okay. “This is really inappropriate dress,” someone replies angrily on Twitter. Time to take a look at everything that’s going on right now:

Foto: Good Morning Britain’s song is still on Twitter

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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