Samsung’s latest smartwatch, expected in the coming months, will be released in three versions. This is evident from the latest posts. In addition to two models, there will also be a Pro version, as evidenced by the latest messages.
Galaxy Watch 5 in three versions
If the latest messages are from a file Leaking If so, we can expect three variants of Samsung’s new Galaxy Watch 5 this year. There will be a “mini” model with a size of 40-42mm and a model with a watch case size between 44 and 46mm. In addition, there is still talk of a Pro model whose exact format is not yet known. All three Galaxy Watch 5 models will be launched in Europe, but at least for the Netherlands there will be no 4G version.
It has not been confirmed that the name “Pro” will appear in the final name of the watch. It is not known what the name will be. We expect the Galaxy Watch 5 to be announced along with three other products in early August. They are said to be the Galaxy Buds 2, Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4. DroidApp will of course keep you informed.
Current Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 in Galaxy Watch 4 review†