The Taliban conquers the second provincial capital and countries are urging their citizens to leave Afghanistan | abroad

UpdateThe UK is calling on its citizens to leave Afghanistan “immediately” amid the “deteriorating security situation” due to the advance of the Islamist Taliban movement. Today the organization occupied a second regional capital. The Netherlands and the United States also called on their citizens to leave the country.

Since the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan, the fundamentalist Taliban movement has risen. The group has gained a lot of ground in recent months. After advancing in the countryside, the Taliban are now also targeting major cities. Meanwhile, the Taliban managed to capture two provincial capitals (Zarang and Sheberghan).

Due to the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, the British are advised to leave the country as soon as possible. According to the British Foreign Office, Britons should not rely on emergency evacuations because the British government can only provide “very limited” assistance.

“All British nationals have been advised to leave the country immediately by commercial transport,” the Foreign Office said.

The British Foreign Office expects terrorists to carry out attacks in Afghanistan. It seems that “attack methods are evolving and becoming more and more sophisticated”.

United States of America

The US Embassy in Kabul advises Americans to depart as soon as possible on a commercial passenger flight. Americans can get a loan from their embassy if they don’t have the money to buy a plane ticket.

The Netherlands already made a similar call earlier this week. The Dutch embassy in Kabul warns that it cannot “support or evacuate” the Dutch.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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