These new movies are waiting for you in the cinema

blue beetle

Jaime Reyes (Xolo Mariduena) is an exotic Mexican-American teen blue scarab Find. The animal chooses him as a host and gives it to the young super powers. Suddenly Jaime also gets a scarab alien shield With which he can fly and defeat countless enemies. Blue Beetle was originally only possible to watch via streaming services, but fortunately it can now also be seen in the cinema.

“Blue Beetle” can be seen in cinemas starting Wednesday, August 16.

strange way of life

In this thirty-minute short film by the famous Spanish director Pedro Almodovar See how Silva (Pedro Pascal(after a 25-year absence from his old friend Jake)Ethan hook) visits across the desert. The two men are happy to see each other again and reflect on their younger years in Mexico. But suddenly, it becomes clear why Silva made the trip to Jake and the question arises of whether the two of them still have a future together.

The “strange way of life” is second english language short film by Pedro Almodóvar. In 2020, the man released the short film ‘the humans voiceStarring actress Tilda Swinton.

Strange Way of Life can be seen in cinemas starting Wednesday, August 16.

greatest days

Rachel (Aisling B), Heather (Alice Lowe), Zoe (Amaka Okafor) and Claire (Jade Adams) are four women who became best friends during their teenage years and when all four had crushes on… common boy band. Twenty-five years later, that band A.J Reunion party This is the perfect opportunity for the ladies to breathe new life into their friendship. “Greatest Days” is a musical movie full of the music of a British pop group Takes that sits. The print is based on the musical of the same name, which has been playing in the UK since 2017.

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Greatest Days can be seen in cinemas starting Thursday, August 31.

Watch what you want, where and when you want.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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