To prevent greenhouse plants, we have listed a number of tips for you.
Avoid direct sunlight
The sun is currently very bright and can easily burn many houseplants if they are right in front of a window. Therefore, temporarily place the plants in a shady place so that they are less hot.
Water in the morning or evening
The best time to water your plants during these hot days is in the morning or later in the evening. Then it gets less warm, so the water doesn’t evaporate as quickly and the roots have more time to absorb the water.
In the summer, you can assume that your plant needs twice as much water. Consider the type of plant you have and estimate the amount of water you need based on the soil in the pots.
Keep cool
Try to keep the house cool. For example, it is a good idea to close the blinds during the day and leave the windows open at night. This is important for plants because they cannot tolerate sudden surges in temperatures. It is also a good idea to pay attention to the air conditioning in the house. Your plants are not very happy with the cooler, because of the sudden cold and dry air. Then a fan is a better idea.
Just spray
When there is more moisture in the air, the air is also cooler. Cool air is best for plants, too. So try to spray the air around the plants with water every day. Or, place a container of water next to your plants so that moisture continually evaporates into the air.
Plant feeding
In the summer, your plants benefit from these extra hours of sunshine and are in the middle of their growth spurt. This is why it is smart to provide your plants with enough energy and give them a helping hand with some plant foods.
Want to learn more about better water for your green friends? Then watch the video below:
source: plants