UK launches test to monitor migrants electronically | News

The UK Home Office has launched a test to allow electronic tracking of immigrants entering the UK on the backs of boats or lorries. This was announced by the BCC on Saturday. This is a one-year trial targeting adults waiting to be deported to the UK via “dangerous and unwanted routes”.

The investigation began on Thursday in the UK and Wales and aims to test whether electronic surveillance facilitates regular contact with asylum seekers and the more effective processing of their applications. Furthermore, the experiment aims to collect data on the number of immigrants who have gone into hiding after arriving in the UK.

Those under investigation may be subject to a curfew order. In addition, they could face imprisonment and punishment if they do not comply with certain conditions.


Critics say the plan criminalizes immigrants. There are concerns about the negative effects of the device on their mental and physical health, especially if they have been tortured or subjected to modern addiction in the past.

It is unclear how the UK government will determine who is monitoring them or not. However, it has been established that children and pregnant women do not follow suit. According to the British media, the first group to be monitored will bring some asylum seekers to Rwanda.


In April, the United Kingdom signed an agreement with Rwanda to pay for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in Africa. London wants to prevent immigrants from France from making dangerous voyages to England, often in bitter boats with the help of smugglers. However, the European Court of Human Rights (ECTHR) decided this week to end the plan.

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Read more. The European Court of Human Rights has narrowly suspended the deportation of migrants from the UK to Rwanda

Ferdinand Woolridge

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