weather forecast. Fields of sun and clouds on Saturday Weather News

Saturday morning It is foggy at times with some local fog banks possibly freezing over. Low cloud fields may occur here and there. During the day it will be sunny everywhere with some high clouds. We achieve a maximum of 3 to 5 degrees in the Ardennes and 6 to 8 degrees in other regions.

evening and Saturday evening It will remain dry with broad, clear skies, but at times also high and middle cloud fields. Minimum temperatures in the Ardennes region range between 0 and -3 degrees and in other regions around or slightly above the freezing point.

Sunday morning It is very cold with temperatures around or slightly above freezing in most areas. The weather remains dry during the day with sunny spells and occasionally high clouds. Maximum temperatures range between 7 and 11 degrees, with moderate southerly winds.

also Monday It will remain dry with sun and high or moderate cloud fields. We will achieve maximum temperatures of 7 to 12 degrees with moderate southerly winds.

Tuesday We are still expecting a lot of high clouds. In the afternoon, clouds increase from the west, but remain mainly dry. Temperatures vary little, with maximum temperatures ranging between 7 and 12 degrees.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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