What is the difference between speculation and speculation?

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What is the difference between speculation and speculation?


Although there is a slight difference in sound: speculations and speculations are actually different cookies. The difference lies in the seasoning and origin: speculas are made in Belgium, and speculas are their Dutch counterpart.

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other ingredients

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Speculaas contains standard Speculaas spices. This spice blend is made from a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, anise seeds, coriander seeds, and white pepper. Speculaas is a Dutch product.

Speculoos is the Belgian counterpart to speculaas. The “-loos” in speculation says it all: The cookie contains no speculation spices. The distinctive taste of mudaraba is obtained by adding dessert syrup or burnt sugar. Cinnamon is often added for taste and aroma.

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The fact that we eat the cheaper version of speculaas – speculaas – in Belgium is that the spice was much cheaper in the Netherlands than in our country. This was the result of their colonies in the Far East. As a result, spices entered the Netherlands in large quantities. Then people started experimenting with spice cookies. Thus was born the spiced cake, speculas.

Belgium could not rely on the spice trade, so spices were an expensive product. That’s why they came up with a cheaper biscuit mixture of wheat flour, burnt sugar, cinnamon and vegetable oils.

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Language issue

When the Dutch talk about specula, they’re always talking about the same hard, spicy bun. There seems to be a difference in pronunciation among Belgians.

Research shows that a large group of Belgians call the cookie speculaas and speculoos: these people use them as synonyms for each other. A roughly equal large group sees them as two different terms, with two different meanings. Speculaas is a cookie with spices, and a version with “oo” is a cookie without spices (and therefore less speculative).

To complete the confusion: some Belgians think that speculaas is the “correct” word and dialect of speculoos. Or they think that speculation is the Belgian name for what the Dutch call speculation. So opinions differ.

The French only talk about “speculoos” and use the word for both biscuits.

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How risky is speculation/speculation?

Just like other cookies, speculation and speculation are not healthy. It contains a large amount of sugar (between 31.6 and 38.1 percent). Sugar increases the risk of obesity and chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

There is also a significant amount of fat in speculation and speculation (between 17.4 and 19 percent). The fats in cookies are vegetable oils and partially hydrogenated fats, also known as trans fatty acids. These fatty acids are formed by solidification or hydrogenation as a side reaction, and are more harmful to health than saturated fats. Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, among other things.

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Last updated: December 2023

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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