Where are Vivaldi’s “helpers”?

In Belgian politics, France is often viewed. “When it rains in Paris, it rains in Brussels” is a proverb for a reason. But the “guide country” is still seen in the Netherlands. The tight locking of the northern neighbors will set a precedent for Belgian politicians, and the results of the Rutte IV government’s new coalition agreement are being scrutinized.

For example, the Flemish government is somewhat jealous of the new Dutch government borrowing 25 billion euros to address the nitrogen problem. The Flemish budget “simply” provides 100 million euros. The decision to build two more nuclear power plants was enthusiastically adopted in the Belgian debate on the decommissioning of the plant.

Georges-Louise Pooches, The head of the MR, repeated “on the seventh day” that “Project A (nuclear outage) was dead”. In which CD&V Deputy Prime Minister Vincent van Pettakem He had to reluctantly admit that no decision could be made until he was sure of the safety of the supply.

Green Deputy Prime Minister Petra de Sutter acknowledged on “The Morning” on Radio 1 that he did not reject Plan B (with nuclear power plants), although the Green Deputy Prime Minister said he expected more protection from Plan A, without nuclear power plants. From Plan B, with power plants. On which Part de WeaverAlleged N-VA leader bent on VRT Groen.


So the Prime Minister is in a hurry The Crow – Who is the Prime Minister in control of the agenda – Forces a decision. Otherwise, this document threatens to sink into contradictions, and it will be a failure of the Chancellor’s operational system.

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In fact, PS is the leader Paul Magnet Critic of the PM’s method on the tongue: “We need more production and more books. (…) You did not build trust that way. In the Het Laatste Nieuws, Magnette compared the government to Fiat: “For the first thousand kilometers you will occasionally break, and then it will bolt without any problems.”

But we’re not there yet, currently making progress on Fiat Fits and Starts. Despite finding the Magnet Fiat to be a bad car, many still want to go inside.

Gave in “L’invité” on RTL Maxim Privod, The leader of the CDH (Opposition at all levels), agreed that the call for the replacement of MR in all governments would be accepted with both hands. That change of authority has been rumored in French-speaking Belgium in recent days, although the CDH leader has admitted that he has not yet been invited.

Georges-Louise Pooches is annoying, it is clear. The newspaper de Digit called him “Vivaldi’s dark blue whip”, and Bart de Weaver, who shares his stance against the nuclear leak, openly called Bouches “not a team player.” In his opinion, Part de Weaver believes that it would have been better to form a government with the N-VA than to “get on the wrong train from Vivaldi”.

Coincidentally, the article in Digit proves that he is very popular in Flanders, where he is often seen as a “true” liberal rather than his party members of the Open VLT. He buys only a handful for popularity, to get Bouchez votes in French-speaking Belgium, and Flemish fame has not helped there, as Charles Michael has enjoyed it before.

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To cooperate

Thus Vivaldi’s Fiat is slightly overloaded and the driver is a bit careless and careless. However, the Vivaldi government wanted to be “the starting point for doing politics in a different way.” When he took office, Prime Minister D’Cruz quoted Michael Jordan as saying, “Talent makes you win matches, but you have to work together to become champions.”

Probably all passengers should get out of the Fiat and push it into motion. I think the N-VA still has a lot of help pictures and posters where an entire community pushes such a standard car into motion. Maybe N-VA wants to get rid of them, and they can be recycled for a small amount. Because without all the pushing hands Vivaldi’s Fiat threatens to stall.

Listen to Ivan De Vadder’s analysis on The Morning by Radio 1 Select

Source: vrtnws.be And ‘The Morning’

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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