Why are we so looking forward to this Dutch film?

Another amazing movie will soon be released in cinemas: contradictory, about forbidden love in the midst of the spaghetti riots in Twente in 1961. A Twente film, with Holly May Broad in the lead role. Bazaar can’t wait and tell you ins and outs From this movie.

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Why are we so looking forward to the movie Twenty? contradictory

As a Tucker resident, I of course know what happened during the Spaghetti Riots of 1961. In the summer of that year, Twente residents and Italian migrant workers quarreled. The film received a lot of media attention at the time, but the film was never released. So far, director Ben Sombogart is coordinating the project. He himself said otherwise Afghan National Police He sees many similarities with the way immigrants are currently treated: “There are still many Dutch people who immediately become defensive when someone speaks a different language or has different traditions.” Just look at the protests in asylum centers where Afghan refugees are staying. contradictory In my opinion, it tells a very contemporary story about accepting people who are different from you.

Antonym: Cast

A Dutch feature film wouldn’t be a Dutch feature film if it didn’t also contain a romantic story, dedicated to actors Holly May Broad, Emma Joosten, Joep Badenberg, and Barbara Slausen. Italian actor Mehdi Maskar also has a role in the film.

Contrast: release date of this promising project

The film has just begun filming, so expect to see it in theaters in about a year. You can take a peek at the recordings if you are in Twente, because the filming takes place mainly in Enschede. But first they snapped photos at the UK’s massive Queen Street Mill Textile Museum, and for good reason: it’s home to the world’s last 19th-century steam textile mill. So we’ll have to wait a little longer, but with Ben Sombogart as director and Jacqueline Ebskamp who has previously worked on hit series like Divorce, Krues family And black tulip, As a screenwriter, it’s definitely worth the wait! Watching something else in the meantime? These are the latest releases on Netflix.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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