Why is Morocco carrying out a more successful vaccination campaign than many European countries

The Moroccan figures gave an additional relief compared to neighboring countries, Algeria (0.4 vaccinations per 100 inhabitants) and Tunisia (0.2). The UK (50.4) and the US (43.3) are much higher than Morocco.

We were fortunate enough to have been vaccinated. “I didn’t believe that, it’s amazing,” Fouzia, a 61-year-old engineer from Casablanca, said in the French newspaper recently. the world. “For once, we shouldn’t be jealous of the West.”

The Moroccan campaign did not begin until January 28, a month later from most European countries, with the first shot of King Mohammed VI. After that, the campaign quickly gained momentum. Seniors over 65, caregivers, older teachers, and security service personnel were the first to respond.

Anyone who thinks they are entitled to an injection can send their ID number to a special phone number, after which they are immediately notified where and when the injection can be taken. This simple design, without bureaucracy, is seen as one of the explanations for high tempo.


Moroccans also trust the vaccine, in part due to a government campaign under the slogan “I protect myself, I protect my country.” Dr. Karima Raklawi from Tangiers said in the German newspaper that citizens want to leave the economic crisis behind and return to normal life. the world. “The vaccine is the only way to do that,” Reclawi said.

Morocco has obtained a good number of vaccines. By mid-March, she had received 7 million doses of AstraZeneca and 1 million doses of Sinopharm, China. However, there is also a risk of a vaccine shortage for Morocco, especially as AstraZeneca supplies from India is stagnant. (United kingdom)

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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