Angela Merkel: ‘Joe Biden gives new impetus to G7 work’

President Joe Biden’s visit to the United States has ‘given a new impetus’ to the G7’s mission, Angela Merkel said on the last day of the UK’s Seven High Industrial Summit on Sunday.

“Choosing American President Joe Biden does not mean that we no longer have problems in the world, but that we can solve them with renewed inspiration,” said German President Donald Trump, who had a close relationship with Biden’s predecessor. . The former White House resident was skeptical of multilateral forums such as the G7.

“I’m very happy that we have become so resolute in this G7 meeting,” Merkel added.

He met President Joe Biden at a Dead-e-Dot in Cornwall on the brink of a meeting of the heads of the planet’s richest nations. He was invited to the White House for an official visit on July 15.

Although the UK meeting is the first G7 summit for Joe Biden to be head of state, it will be the last for Angela Merkel to step down after Germany’s parliamentary elections in September.

“Choosing American President Joe Biden does not mean that we no longer have problems in the world, but that we can solve them with renewed inspiration,” said German President Donald Trump, who had a close relationship with Biden’s predecessor. . The former White House resident was skeptical of multilateral forums such as the G7. “I’m very happy that we have become so resolute in this G7 meeting,” Merkel added. He met President Joe Biden at a Dead-e-Dot in Cornwall on the brink of a meeting of the heads of the planet’s richest nations. He was invited to the White House for an official visit on July 15. Although the UK meeting is the first G7 summit for Joe Biden to be head of state, it will be the last for Angela Merkel to step down after Germany’s parliamentary elections in September.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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