“Brexit serious game shows participants have the process in order”

The Netherlands is a global player in fruits and vegetables. However, Brexit has had a major impact on the fruit and vegetable sector. Are we not used to something in the field of trade? Daco Sol: “The United Kingdom (UK) is the second most important export destination for the Dutch fruit and vegetable sector after Germany. Brexit gives the United Kingdom the status of a“ third country. ”The difference with the other third countries is the mainly large volume (50,000 trucks) . Per year) and the short distance. This brings new challenges. That is why GroentenFruit Huis has been preparing for the changes due to Brexit since 2016. “

This is paying off now. Many companies have prepared really well. We can draw this conclusion after the “serious Brexit game” that GroentenFruit Huis staged on March 2 with NVWA and KCB. “The match went very well,” said Daku Sol. Within GroentenFruit Huis, he is responsible for logistics, supervision and supply chain and has been extensively involved in Brexit in recent years. “We inform the companies, but the companies themselves are also actively starting to prepare. During the serious game, we spoke to the participants and tested whether they were really well prepared. Several companies gave the correct answers. Hopefully.” Another dangerous match will be played on March 10. “There are rumors that not all companies exporting to the UK are equally well prepared. We urge these companies to take action or contact us as soon as possible.”

April 1, 2021 is an important date for Britain’s exit from the European Union. What is changing?
Daco: “As of April 1, the UK is requiring that most fruits and vegetables be provided with phytosanitary certificates, as stipulated in the border operation form. This is actually evidence of Brexit implementation. The Netherlands used to export to third countries, the situation. The UK is getting now also, and the reason for this effect is that in this case the quantities involved are much larger and the distance (literal) is very short in kilometers and time.London In less than 15 hours after ordering, the administrative process should be faster, as it should be A truck bound for the UK goes a shorter distance from the boat to Africa, in addition, a small group of companies have no experience exporting to Africa. A third country. They still have to master the procedures. ”

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What have companies done to prepare for Brexit?
Daco: “Companies are starting to work on managing it and setting up operations. They must, for example, make sure they are associated with the E-Cert and are ready to get all certification to the right car and driver on time. Export shipments require a great deal of attention, but what What is important and not visible at times is that the sector, with GroentenFruit Huis as the engine, has contributed a lot of insights and knowledge to keep trade flowing after the introduction of Brexit. Early in the phase, a request was made to the government to initiate pilot programs to respond to the potential changes This has resulted in concrete proposals from GroentenFruit Huis which, wherever possible, have been or will hopefully be implemented. ”

Can you give an example of a (project) proposal?
“A concrete example is Green Lane, now renamed Fresh Produce Lane, but also a stock registry and digital certification advocate. GroentenFruit Huis’s contribution, along with knowledge from the sector, plays a major role at this time. Time gained in the logistics chain (And information and communication technology) to accommodate the additional procedures that need to be taken, without losing the chain in strength, speed and flexibility. The application of a stock registry and the use of digital certificates can contribute to this. However, this is not enough. We have made a number of proposals to the regulators Hopefully we will get positive feedback and fast implementation, ”said Daco.

How does GroentenFruit Huis like member interests?
“Since the day of the referendum on June 23, 2016, GroentenFruit Huis has been keen to define the consequences for the fruit and vegetable sector,” says Daco. “Our role was very clear from the start: to defend the interests of the fruit and vegetable sector (the lobby) and inform and assist our members when necessary.”

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How does GroentenFruit Huis inform members?
“We have a Brexit page on our members’ portal, including facts, helpful tools, and various questions and answers. Since last year, we have regularly sent out private mail on Brexit to inform our members more quickly. We also have our weekly newsletter We are reporting that we have now organized More than a dozen (member) meetings and referrals of our members to other party meetings, such as KCB’s E-Cert training courses. We have a lot of personal connections. Countless, ”said Daco. “Together with my colleagues, all with their own experiences, we were able to answer specific questions. Whether on the Dutch side or on the British side.”

Do you have any advice for companies in the fruit and vegetable sector?
Daco: “Keep preparing and following developments. Keep in mind that things will change as a result of Brexit and that processes must be modified. Regular practice or detailed procedures are still in effect and everyone in the chain and your organization knows their role. Don’t leave any doubts. Don’t leave until you are sure of it.” That your shipment is intact and that it has been properly registered everywhere, including the UK import regulations. Coordinate with your UK broker and carrier, this will prevent your goods from being damaged. And / or others ’shipments due to congestion at the border.”

“We have established a good (business) relationship with the United Kingdom. When it comes to Brexit, the Dutch fruit and vegetable sector is now showing its strength. We want to continue serving English customers with our large portfolio and the flexibility they have. Get used to. And maintain the good relationship. “.

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for more information:
The vegetable house
Phone: 00368 11 13 13
[email protected]

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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