Call the face mask during the Spanish flu

WithAbout a hundred years ago, the world was under the influence of the H1N1 virus, known as the Spanish flu. Around the world, this pandemic has claimed between 20 and 100 million lives, which is many times the number of victims of World War I. The next silent film from 1919, taken from an archive British Film InstituteIt shows how people tried to contain the spread of the virus at that time.

In the 18-minute film commissioned by the British authorities, Dr. Sage turns directly into the viewer. Through the film, he wants to educate the audience about the fact that the behavior of individuals is of great importance in the rapid or non-rapid spread of a dangerous virus. For example, it advocates the use of face masks and shows that making your own is not that difficult. Based on a short story, it also shows how quickly people can be injured. For example, a man with cool lights an entire office section …

Moral of the story: Everyone should follow precautions to beat the flu …

Also read: Spanish Flu (1918-1920) – A History of the Pandemic
…From: How Constantine Jacobs died of the Spanish flu

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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