Dance and art in the Musée de Pont is closed

National Series 2020 / Social Practices, Rita McBride, Alexandra Waierstall, Fontys Dance Academy. De Pont Museum, Tilburg, 2021. Photo: Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen

The Dutch museums have been closed for months, but there are still plans From Pont So much to discover in Tilburg. On Instagram, you can follow how dancers from Fontys Dance Academy interact with work by artist Rita McBride.

Action National Series by Rita McBride He gets additional meaning through this cooperation. Usually, the installation is really impressive. A huge grid filled with spaces hangs chest-high in the museum. As a visitor you can wander around and discover all kinds of patterns at work or you can choose an adventurous path through the artwork.


Once inside the artwork, you discover that shape and height limit your movement. You always have to crouch to move forward, but there is always space to stand upright and look around. In any case, the museum is closed and unfortunately there is no specific date that visitors can enter again.

To make the work shine, German choreographer Alexandra Waerstal and dancers from the Tilburg Fonte Academy of Dance have collaborated. Waierstall gives instructions to the dancers (who are using this project to graduate) over a video connection, after which they start working on the network.

Follow the dancers

Via Instagram account NationalChain_SocialPractices You can follow the dancers. The fusion of art and dance produces eye-catching positional special images. The spaces in the artwork are about one and a half meters wide, so quickly connecting with today’s one-and-a-half-meter community. But the movements of the dancers are full of hints to the present. At least that’s what I see in it.

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I saw the dancers who initially stayed below the surface, but suddenly tasted freedom on top. Or the dancers who were dancing so far from each other, in their own bubble, in the same place Music. Very exciting to watch. Especially since each time is a little different thanks to instructions from Alexandra Waierstall.

NationalChain_SocialPractices will be operational until May 2, 2021.

National chain
National Series 2020 / Social Practices, Rita McBride, Alexandra Waierstall, Fontys Dance Academy. De Pont Museum, Tilburg, 2021. Photo: Rene van der Hulst.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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