Henry Kissinger on the Role of Belief in Politics

He is now 99 years old Henry KissingerFormer Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon And Gerald Ford, in his new book considers the role of faith in politics. A Jewish American politician and top diplomat expresses his disappointment Erosion of Judeo-Christian faith and moral values ​​underlying Western society. At the same time, he expresses his surprise and even dismay at the devastating divisions in American politics today.

In his new book Leadership: Six Studies in Global Leadership Kissinger describes the lives of political leaders he greatly admires: Konrad Adenauer from Germany, Charles de Gaulle from France, Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat from Egypt, Lee Kuan Yew From Singapore and Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom. This is significantHe writes, Except for Lee Kuan Yew, all of them are deeply religious…

Henry Kissinger grew up in a Jewish family, but in his memoirs he admits that his parents’ faith was really only secondary until recently and throughout his political career. He said once Golda Meyer He felt American first, Nixon second, and Jew last. The former Prime Minister of Israel responded thus Read them from right to left in Hebrew. Coincidentally, Kissinger rediscovered the importance of Judaism in his youth. In recent years, he has reappeared in many places in the synagogue during important Jewish festivals.

Source: Mosaic

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