Herman Cousins: “Don’t hesitate, check out who’s on the verge …

Hermann Cousins, Professor of Microbiology (UA)
Photo: Isopics

According to Professor of Microbiology Hermann Cousins, our country should begin testing all travelers from the United Kingdom as soon as possible. “It could go very fast, I have no doubt anymore,” he says in the Head Journal at VRD.

Hermann Cousins ​​believes that everyone who enters our country should be tested. “Better than submitting a negative result, I will test here,” he says. “I will take a test on the 1st, send them for isolation and then check again on the 7th. There is fraud with the certificates and there are quick tests, all of which are not equally reliable. I will be tested as soon as I arrive in our country.”

Checkpoint at the airport

But it is not so easy. “It’s really difficult for a few countries, but you can arrange it easily and quickly for the UK. You can put a checkpoint at the airport and in Brussels-south, where trains will arrive and you can arrange with Khalis.”

Can all of this be done so quickly this holiday season? “For those who are on vacation now, it is difficult to arrange this quickly. But as far as the UK is concerned it is possible because it is on an island. I will not hesitate. ”

Already seen

Cousins ​​considers that even if we tighten our measures, the English variant cannot be kept out of our country. “We can not put out that variation, it already exists. It was able to spread to London and its environs from the beginning of September. But I think you can control it. To be honest, I have a Teja Wu feeling: it’s like the situation in Italy in March. It’s very fast. “

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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