Kushner says in the book that Netanyahu is not interested in recognizing Jerusalem

When Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 2017 and move the US embassy there, then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response was lukewarm, according to Jared Kushner, son-in-law of former US President Donald Trump, in a new book. was , according to Straight ahead.

According to Kushner, Netanyahu’s friendly response nearly sabotaged the plan, the outlet reported, citing portions of the book published online by a Saudi official.

Kushner’s book, “Distorted History: A White House Memoir,” is set to be released on August 23.

The book said Trump announced the move to Netanyahu in a phone call ahead of the official announcement, but the former prime minister simply replied, “If you want to do it, I’ll support you.” Kushner wrote that a confused Trump, expecting a pompous response, repeated himself, to which Netanyahu again responded with less enthusiasm than expected.

Trump began to question his decision. [he] “He wondered aloud why he would take this risk if the Israeli prime minister didn’t care,” Kushner wrote, adding that Trump told the former prime minister, “BB, I think you’re the problem.”

Netanyahu “responded calmly” explaining that he was part of the solution. Still, Kushner wrote that Trump could clearly say he was “disappointed.”

I don’t know why Kushner thought it was Netanyahu who acted that way.

In a statement issued by Netanyahu’s office, “Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has repeatedly asked President Trump to move the embassy, ​​contrary to the allegations, greatly appreciated this decision.

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Before making the decision, President Trump told Prime Minister Netanyahu, “Some of my people say this move is dangerous for the United States. What is your opinion?’ Netanyahu responded that he saw no real danger and saw no reason not to move the embassy.

It is doubtful that the embassy would have moved if Netanyahu had responded differently to the president.

Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel since its founding in 1948, although it is not recognized by most of the international community, as per the original United Nations Partition Plan, which called for Jerusalem to become an international city.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman (right), senior adviser to U.S. President Jared Kushner, watches the official opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, May 14, 2018 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017, when he announced plans to move the embassy there. In May 2018, his administration opened the new facility — a move that met with fierce controversy in Washington and the Middle East.

Following the move, Palestinians, who claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state, have severed ties with Washington and described the Trump administration as pro-Israel.

At the time, Trump said the decision was made in the interests of the United States and to promote peace in the region and respect Israel’s sovereignty.

Kushner’s book also revealed that Trump was upset by a lavish three-hour meal he attended with Netanyahu during his 2017 trip.

“It was fun, but every time I thought the meal was over, another course came out,” Trump apparently told Kushner, complaining that the then-prime minister was “talking in my ear.”

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Netanyahu and Trump had a good relationship during his tenure, until Trump realized it Deception Netanyahu wrote as he congratulated incumbent US President Joe Biden on his 2020 election victory.

Kushner is married to Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka and served as a White House adviser. He was instrumental in the previous administration’s Middle East policies and participated in a diplomatic operation that led to the Ibrahim Accords – a peace agreement that saw Israel establish diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco.

Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

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