Pulmonologist criticizes vaccination policy: “The policy has failed” – KW.be

Pulmonologist and intensive therapist Philip Meersmann criticized the vaccination campaign in our country. “Every patient dying now is one too much because the vaccination policy has failed,” he said on Radio 1 Saturday in the morning.

Philip Merceman, from Coxsede, is a lung specialist and intensive care specialist at UZ in Leuven. He criticizes the vaccination campaign in our country. We’ve known since April of last year that a vaccine is the only thing that will help us out of misery. The situation is extremely troubling for me and many health care providers. We have worked hard for a year, day and night. “

A few weeks ago we heard that “teething problems are finally over.” You expect that there will be someone at this point who will make a plan for the summer, and it can start right away as soon as there is a vaccine. Whether that is January or February. That vaccine can be given on Spot and that there are no “teething problems.” In my opinion, that cannot be that difficult.

So the lung specialist thinks the government has failed. “It could have been and should be done faster. Every patient dies now is a very large number because the vaccination policy has failed. It is not rocket science, you have to give a vaccine and observe the patient. You have to choose the patients who are vaccinated in order. The population has not changed in a year.” Politicians must learn to look more into the future, anticipating problems and not solving them until they arise. It would have been possible in this case. “

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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