Share of renewable electricity increased by 20% by 2022

By 2022, electricity generation from renewable sources has increased by 20 percent over the previous year. Electricity generation from fossil sources decreased by 11 percent. By 2022, 40 percent of total electricity generation will come from renewable sources, up from 33 percent the previous year. This is reported by Statistics Netherlands based on provisional figures.

Power generation in 2022 remains the same as the previous year. Electricity generation from renewable sources increased by 20 percent to 47 billion kWh. Solar power generation increased by 54 percent and wind generation by 17 percent. This is largely due to increased capacity (solar +4 GW, wind +1 GW) and more favorable weather conditions. Electricity generation from biomass and hydropower decreased.

Less electricity from natural gas
Electricity generation from fossil fuels is expected to decrease by 11 percent in 2022, to 67 billion kWh from the previous year. Electricity generation from natural gas fell 16 percent to 47 billion kWh, partly due to higher natural gas prices.

Electricity generation from coal stood at 16 billion kWh a year ago. Raising the maximum output of coal-fired power plants from June 2022 plays a part in this.

Imports are high from the United Kingdom, and low from Germany and Norway
Electricity imports will decline by 11 percent to 19 billion kWh in 2022. Exports rose 11 percent to 23 billion kWh. As a result, there is again a net export balance, compared to a small import balance a year ago.

Imports from Norway decreased (-49 percent), due to less electricity generation from hydropower there. Imports from Germany also fell (-23 percent), as did nuclear production. On the other hand, imports from the United Kingdom increased due to increased wind power generation.

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Less electricity was exported from France to Belgium and Germany, due to long-term maintenance at French nuclear power plants. As a result, these countries were forced to source a portion of their electricity elsewhere as domestic generation from nuclear sources declined. As a result, electricity exports from the Netherlands to Belgium and Germany increased.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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