Sheep farmer ‘steals’ goats in need from animal rescuers now plays hero – Zoob


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Many media, NOS etc, on Sunday morning, present the story of a lonely sheep rescued after two years on a Scottish island. But is the story true? Animal rights activists Animal Rise Tell a completely different story in the video above. They previously set up a rescue operation for sheep, which they named Sheepy. First they asked the owner to bring to safety the sheep that had been stranded on an almost inaccessible part of the island’s coast. When that did nothing, they took action themselves.

The pictures show how they managed to reach the goats. The animal suffers from an enormous coat and is very shy, perhaps it has not seen people or other animals for a long time. Animal rights activists work for days to come up with a plan to save the sheep and move them to a special animal shelter where they can continue to live in peace.

A sheep rancher gets wind of the operation, and with the help of other ranchers, the owner, who has left the sheep to fend for themselves for two years, quickly launches his own rescue operation. The sheep is suddenly put out of its predicament. That move gets all the media, BBC etc. The story of animal rights activists is not mentioned now.

Below is a video of a sheep farmer named Fiona who removed the goats with her colleagues.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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