SURF has successfully conducted a network test over the 1,648 km fiber-optic connection between CERN in Geneva and Nikhef in Amsterdam. A data speed of 800 Gbit/s was achieved. SURF says the connection is suitable for future data flows.
SURF conducted the successful test in collaboration with Nokia It was announced on Monday. The test used the existing fiber-optic network between Nykhv and the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which passes through Belgium and France. Transfer speeds of 800 Gbit/s are needed to transmit data from the upcoming LHC particle accelerator. CERN is currently upgrading the particle accelerator, which should be ready in 2029. Currently, the communication capacity between Nikhef and CERN is up to 400 Gbit/s.
The fiber optic network has recently been improved to be suitable for future data flows from the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which is based in Switzerland. The new one has been tested Nokia PSE-6s optical network cards Tested to evaluate how it performs. The success of the test showed that the network between the Netherlands and Switzerland can handle “much higher capacity than expected”. He says surfing. Nokia will share more details about the test results next week.
SURF previously started collaborating with Nikhef and Nokia Network upgrade. Nikhef is one of thirteen so-called Tier 1 sites around the world that receive large amounts of data from CERN's Large Hadron Collider for analysis. It is expected that the amounts of research data will increase significantly after the particle accelerator upgrade. SURF talks about “5 to 7.5 times more data” than is currently the case. Therefore an enhanced 800 Gb/s network should be suitable for transferring that data.