Ten proposals for the French quarter

Fight discrimination at work

Said Hammouchehead to RH mosaican employment agency for people from working-class neighborhoods

“Discrimination is a system. When you encounter a system, you need a response that puts adequate resources in place. I advocate for a comprehensive plan that includes all stakeholders: applicants, recruiters, businesses. Government urgently needs to create dynamism and equip itself with the right tools. Ex For example, the government must develop a tool that can support this process in the long term. Otherwise, people keep moving forward, we start over and get stuck.”

Said Hammouche (Mouzaig RH): “We have a real group of talents that we have to give keys to”

If we want to fight this scourge, we must act in several directions at once. Companies should set quantitative targets for themselves, with a percentage of candidates coming from urban areas. It is up to companies to tailor their communications to and search for these candidates.”

“Recruiters and managers need to be trained to remove discriminatory bias from their practices. We need to coach applicants and help them prepare for interviews. We have a real talent pool to which we have to give the keys.”

Finally, companies and the state must introduce measurement indicators. If the inclusion goal is not met, why? How do we make progress? Ultimately, there must be sanctions. Speeding will be penalized on the ring road. Why is bullying punishable in the Labor Code, and not discrimination? “

“In Marseille, President Macron announced large-scale tests. We must introduce them immediately. We must get people out of the denial phase. We do not ask for preferential treatment, but that competencies are recognized.”

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“Building bridges between companies and gathering talent in neighborhoods”

Enas is my friendpresident ghettoan organization based in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis)

Inequality and discrimination build up in the career path of young people. School, transportation, access to work, education, housing, disappearance in the media. We spend a lot of time with the guys we mentor After the baccalaureate– Compatibility (After the baccalaureate, secondary education end examination, ed.).

Enas Siddiqui (Getube): “There is a complete lack of awareness about social diversity, I’m not even talking about ethnic diversity”

Of course sup (Online portal of the French Ministry of Education for guidance in higher education, ed.) Disaster, you must go! We spend hours on this app crafting our wishes and requesting a redirection at the start of the new school year. Young people never get what they want and are constantly referred. And once they miss the boat, they no longer have priority the following year. “

We are not doing enough to change the private sector of French higher education. So that there is also a real policy of inclusion and training. There is a complete lack of awareness about social diversity, let alone racial diversity. It is also up to those institutes to take action and build bridges between companies and the existing talent pool. For example, vocational training should give priority to people with scholarships and to the poorest. This issue should be at the core of politics.”

Strengthening public services to combat segregation

Arnaud BontempsGroup spokesperson Not for public services Civil servants, contractors and government employees

All public services must move away from a “police” approach to residents of working-class neighbourhoods. Of course, the relationship between police and non-white youths from these neighborhoods is structurally problematic. But experiments with Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF) is also negative, because it mainly focuses on combating fraud, while it should be the gateway to basic rights. In the French education system, the secular The kidnapping was done as a tool to control the Muslim students.”

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Arnaud Bontemps (Nos services publics): “If public services still exist in these neighbourhoods, they are in poor condition both humanly and materially”

Public services have fallen victim to budget cuts, which cut off contact with the citizen. The best example of this is the abolition of supported positions from 2018, which has eroded the fabric of volunteer organizations.”

“Rapid digitization may be a good thing for rich city dwellers, but it is causing serious problems for the working class. Where public services still exist in these neighborhoods, they are in poor condition, both human and material. It is a bad public service for poor residents.”

Neighborhoods need a city-supported policy that resists segregation. Local politics wouldn’t suffice, nor would meters be placed at the bottom of residential towers. We must fight urban agglomeration of only the rich and we must build social housing in places where there are now fewer of them.”

“Urban renewal policy should not only center around the tangible, but also around health, education and transportation. Unfortunately, the last ambitious plan, the Borloo Plan, has been taken off the table.”

‘Decent public transportation for the residents of the area’

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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