Turkish students arrested for “ blasphemous ” LGBTQ posters

The exhibition opposite the office of University President Melih Polo is part of the protest against his appointment in the campus. The students were arrested on Saturday. Two of them are under arrest, and two others are under house arrest. Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu wrote on Twitter that “gay and transgender people” had been arrested on charges of “disrespecting this sacred place.”

The picture showed a picture of the Kaaba, a black rock covered with silk in Mecca that attracts millions of pilgrims every year. Four rainbow flags are wrapped around it, symbolizing diversity and the LGBTI community. A character from eastern folklore, half a woman and half a snake, was also shown, with a text on traditional gender roles. The exhibition was organized by art students.

The students of the Department of Islamic Studies condemned the actions of their fellow students. “We cannot accept the legalization of immorality in the guise of art,” their statement said. “We will never allow mockery of Islamic values ​​with impunity,” he added.

‘Disgusting provocation’

Surprisingly, the opposition backlash also came from the opposition CHP. According to the spokesman, Faik Oztrak, “We condemn this disgusting provocation,” which would amount to an “insult to sacred human values.” Social media reacted with amazement to the CHP’s stance.

The protest began at the Bosphorus University, one of the most prestigious universities in Turkey, after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced Bolu’s appointment on January 1. According to faculty and students, this goes against the university’s academic and democratic traditions. Until then, mayors were always chosen by the staff, out of their number.

Polo comes from the outside and is completely unsuitable according to the teachers. Several paragraphs in his thesis were copied, and they found out using plagiarism software. It would also be a political appointment. Polo was a candidate in the 2015 parliamentary elections for Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party.

On January 4, police used tear gas against protesters in the campus courtyard. Since then, a large number of riot police have surrounded the university building, but they took no action. The lectures Most of the internet Just keep going.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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