Can you run with this painful infection?

You’re training well when you suddenly feel pain while urinating: you have a bladder infection. Now we as runners can be very stubborn. But is it smart to go running with a bladder infection? We looked it up for you.

What is a bladder infection?

Have you ever had a bladder infection? Then you know better than anyone how painful this can be. With a bladder infection, bacteria have entered the urethra. These multiply and cause part of the bladder to swell. Results? You constantly feel like you need to urinate, but you urinate in small amounts. Urinating hurts or feels like a burning sensation, and you may also feel pain in your abdomen or lower back. Your urine may also look different and smell strong or bad. Not fun, to put it mildly!

Can you run with a bladder infection?

Do you have a bladder infection? Then unfortunately we have to disappoint you. It’s not smart to go running when you have a bladder infection. Not only can it be painful in your abdomen, but it often worsens a bladder infection. After all, your body needs energy to fight inflammation and you don’t want to waste it on other activities. Moreover, it is very important to recover from cystitis, because it can turn into a serious kidney infection. my darling!

When can you start running again after cystitis?

Your body needs rest to recover, so wait some time before running. Are you on a course of antibiotics? Then don’t run, complete the treatment first. Then wait another four days before exercising more intensely – and build up slowly. Do you really want to go running? Then take it easy and drink plenty of water before and after training. This is very important because your body needs fluids to fight a bladder infection and you don’t want to lose that by exercising. But again: it’s best to give your body time to recover.

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Did you have difficulty? This way you can start running again if you are sick.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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