According to science, these four qualities make you the perfect partner

In a new study, researchers at Western Kentucky University highlight four personality traits that appear to be indispensable in an “ideal” partner.

Jealousy loses – attention wins

The researchers asked 171 couples, all at different stages of their relationship, how they would respond to a range of issues and how satisfied they were with the way their partner dealt with the same issues.

Based on their answers, the researchers conducted a survey on romantic traits and relationship satisfaction.

First, the results showed that partners who do not suffer from insecurity and jealousy are considered better.

The ideal partner gives the other person space and is less likely to worry about the relationship.

Second, the ideal partner is present, attentive, and attentive.

It pays to be sociable, because people who are less socially gifted make less good partners.

The third factor that determines how good a partner is is the balance of romantic traits.

If both partners are approximately equally optimistic about the future of the relationship and open to each other, romantic satisfaction with the partner increases.

So you are the perfect partner if you can reciprocate the commitment and dedication of your loved one.

The last essential quality of an ideal partner is not one you can do much about.

You are considered a better partner if you are as smart and attractive as your lover.

Generally late search See, more successful couples value inner qualities like kindness and caring over outer qualities like money and status.

Based on their findings, the researchers believe that learning about your romantic qualities can help improve your relationships.

As life continues to evolve, relationships must adapt to different challenges and transitions. “Being a good partner involves the ability to embrace change and navigate the many twists and turns of life with your partner,” says Michelle Durham, lead author of the study and a lecturer at Western Kentucky University.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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